

Preparing to Do Battle at 25,000 Feet

Inspired by the 390th Memorial Museum’s extensive collection of recognition models – also known as spotter models – Preparing to Do Battle at 25,000 Feet is part one of a two-part digital exhibition that explored the academic side of combat training. Following the events of December 1941, an entire generation of men was called to war, many working with technology they’d never encountered before.

Spotter Models in Action

Picking up where Preparing to Do Battle at 25,000 Feet left off, part two of the exhibition, Spotter Models in Action, closely studies the models, manuals and spotter cards of the planes the men of the 390th Bombardment Group most likely encountered. This exhibition particularly examines the unique features and uses of German planes the 390th’s Bomber Boys faced down regularly.

Friend or Foe?

Click here to try your hand at our Friend or Foe Aircraft Identification Quiz. Some questions have hints to help you out but others will be all you. And no quiz could ever be complete without a little extra credit so look out for the Bonus Question!

Legacy in Leather

Explore the museum’s collection of jackets and the iconic artwork that made them so unique.

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